Less Fat. More You.

Look Good. Feel Great.

“I had one treatment on my cellulite and could not believe the result! I plan on getting every area done that I have previously had difficulty with"
- Lauren

78% of clients say their results are good or excellent. But just don't take their word for it, see the results for yourself.



1800 Purdy Avenue, Marina Ste 3

Miami Beach, FL 33139

"That little 'problem area' we all talk about is solved with Cryoskin."
- Lydia

"Natural results like I've never seen before. I will be coming back - it's easy, it's painless, it's worth the time and money."
- Jordan







Schedule a session today:

© Artemis Distribution

Questions, answered.

What is Cryoskin?
Cryoskin is non-invasive and used for slimming, cellulite reduction, and toning.

How does it work?
The session lasts for 28 minutes and is done manually through a massage technique. The session begins with 2 minutes of heat and then a decrease in temperature to -8 degrees for the duration of the session.

How quickly will I see results?
The first results are generally visible from the first session and often very encouraging. However, it should be noted that the best results appear from 15 days to 3 weeks after the start of treatment and extend for several months after the end of treatment.

Is it safe?
Cryoskin is very safe and non-invasive. Many guests visit us during their lunch break or immediately before or after a workout with no down-time after the treatment.

How long will results last?
Depending on the individual and on their lifestyle and diet, results can last several months to several years. It is recommended to have 2 or 3 sessions 6 months after the end of treatment to maintain results.

How much does it cost?
For the best results we recommend five sessions over a ten week period.

  • Single session run $350
  • 5 Pack runs $300 per session

This 20-minute Treatment Made My Cellulite Disappear


“When I went for my first session I was skeptical to be honest. But after seeing my measurements and my before picture I was nothing but shocked. I had lost 1 and quarter inches...Thank u Cryoskin”


August, 2018 | TrustRadius

“When comparing to other options this method was pain free, less expensive and the device allowed for a larger area to be treated. My skin is getting tighter, I'm losing inches with every visit and getting tons of compliments from friends & family that are noticing the changes #win

Miranda, TrustRadius

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